CBDX: International Design Competition Series

CBDX—City Building Design Experiments & Exhibitions—is a new initiative by the University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape. The goals of CBDX are to collectively tackle the big issues of tomorrow, initiate change, foster new ideas, and showcase innovation—the future of city building. CBDX explores two topics annually through two international design ideas competitions, resulting in bi-annual exhibitions and an annual publication.

CBDX: CITIES FOR ALL (2020 - 2021)

CBDX: International Design Ideas Competition
2020 - Present
Project Type: Event, Initiative

Project Team: Alberto de Salvatierra (Inaugural Chair), Vita Leung, Nicola Johnson, Jes Alder, Trish Matheson, Laura Sandor, Lucia Blanco.
Patrons: Stantec.
Partners: Dean’s Office, University of Calgary School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape.
Collaborators: City of Calgary.


Soft City, Soft Haus: Agile Infrastructures for a Post-Pandemic Planet